Monday, August 16, 2010

Weigh-In #4

Oh boy! Things are looking up! This week was super rigorous, but I guess it's something I'll have to get used to. TONS of exercising, and TONS of saying no to food. I think I averaged about 1200 calories per day, even if some days were more and some were less.

Current Weight: 131.5 lbs
Starting Weight: 133.5 lbs
Weight Loss This Week: 1 lbs
Weight Loss Total: 2 lbs

This may not seem as impressive to you guys as it does to me--losing only 2 pounds since I've started this blog. To put things into perspective, I've sat around the 133-136 range FOREVER: months and months, so to get to a new number is extremely exciting for me. And again, one pound per week is about what I'd like to average (no more than 3 lbs for sure). Also, changing habits takes a bit of time, as I'm finding out...

The least I weighed all throughout 2009 was 130 lbs. I weighed that for 1 day last year in September, and hung around 132-135 for awhile. The rest of the year, I ranged from 135-143, I'm ashamed to say. The least I've EVER weighed was 122 lbs, and that was around August 2007. I was probably around there for a few weeks, and then the range was closer to 126-128 the rest of that year. I want that to be my norm, but I know it will take a lot of work and commitment!

I wrote down EVERYTHING I ate last week in the same format as a Weight Watcher's diary which completely helped. For weight loss, I need to eat about 18 points a day, which averages about 1000-1200 calories depending on the food I eat. Weight Watcher's allows for 35 extra 'cheat' points, and I wound up using only 25 of those. I didn't exercise as much as I wanted to (again due to scheduling), but I plan to this week. I'd love to lose at least another pound this week.

Here's something that played a huge factor in my weigh-in today. This may sound unhealthy to some of you (WARNING). Saturday, I splurged, and ate about 36 points (double what I'm supposed to for a day, but still about 2400 calories). I gained a lot of weight due to just that, so I decided that I was going to do everything I could to get to a good weight for Monday. This included jogging 9 miles, doing a cardio workout video AND doing the P90X Core Synergistics video. I exercised about 3.5 hours yesterday AND ate only a Luna Bar (170 cals). Good news: I wasn't tired at all or hungry throughout the day, and I had LOADS of energy by the time I had my 10PM show. Listen, though, people fast ALL the time and they're fine (granted, they may not do this physical exertion stuff while they're doing it). I was proud of myself, so don't be worried. I listen to my body, and it was fully capable of everything I did. Also, I don't plan on doing this every day. Also, I had eaten WAYYYY too much the day before so it felt as if I had extra storage built up, like how people eat a ton before a marathon. Also, hey, it worked.

I'm so used to Mondays being a high-weight day, and then using the rest of the week to come down from it, but NOT THIS WEEK--NO SIR!

My buddy Chase also posted pictures (before/after), and I decided I'd like to do the same. Even though my weight will be max 20 lbs weight loss, maybe some toning/definition will show up? We'll see. I decided I want to give P90X a shot again, too, but I don't want to stop my cardio, as that has been the cause for most of my weight loss in the past. More on that later! Maybe I'll post my food diary for this upcoming week--that will keep me accountable for the things I'm eating (I already had less ice cream last week than I've ever had :P).

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